[A/ne]How I accidentally matched with my nephew on Tinder : From Reddt r/Incest

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Don Williams
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[A/ne]How I accidentally matched with my nephew on Tinder : From Reddt r/Incest

Post by Don Williams »

-- From u/YaClownGirlHoe

[A/ne]How I accidentally matched with my nephew on Tinder: A confession

I'm not dead and I'm back baby! It's me, your professional clown and slut hobbyist, and I finally remebered my damn password. I'll try to catch you up on my shenanigans since last time, but buckle up for this one.

I'm 27, nephew is 18.

so for context, I'm not particularly close with my mother's family. My mom being the youngest of 6 and a lot of my aunts and uncles being just as fruitfull, I have like a bajillion first cousins that I haven't talked with in ages. With that said, you have to cut me some slack when I remeber some by their maiden names.

So I was on tinder, as one does, looking for a cute guy to go on a date and hookup with, as one does. So i match with this guym his profile says he's 21 and we get to talking, talking leads to flirting, and flirting leads to meeting up. Well, meeting up lead to having some rather awkward car sex and him cumming all over me. Seriously, boy came like a shotgun and it got everywhere. We went our seperate ways after that. We ended up hooking up a few more times after that at my place. The sex was definitly better in a bed compare to the back of a car.

So a week or two later, there I was, scrolling through facebook which I rarely do, and then see the dude's last name pop up. That last name belonged to one of my older cousins, he married name. So I scroll through her profile and guess what the fuck I found?

So it turns out Tinder guy is in fact my nephew that I hadn't seen in years. Also turns out he lied about his age to match with more older women. I don't know if he was aware of who I was before we did the sideways tango, but yeah, that's... well it's something
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